Using JetBrains Shell Run Configurations

BashSupport Pro fully supports the run configurations of the JetBrains Shell plugin. The user interface is different, because it supports additional features, but the storage format on disk is the same as defined by the Shell plugin. You can safely modify the settings and continue to share the run configuration with others, who don’t use BashSupport Pro yet.

JetBrains Shell run configurations of 2021.2 and earlier are supported.

Possible Incompatibilities

Data Format

All compatible settings are stored in the format of the Shell plugin. New settings, which are only supported by BashSupport Pro, are stored in BashSupport Pro’s format. For example, you can define Redirect input from. But because the old plugin didn’t support it, it will only be useful for others if they have BashSupport Pro installed, too.

Interpreter Path

The JetBrains Shell plugin does not allow you to define a default interpreter. The path to the interpreter is always stored in the run configuration. This makes it difficult to share run configurations between developers, who use different operating systems or different setups.

BashSupport Pro uses the configured path by default. If you’d like to make a run configuration easier to share, you can change the interpreter to one of the default interpreters. Please note that this is only useful if everyone on your team has BashSupport Pro installed. Alternative, leave the config alone and create a new run configuration of type BashSupport Pro .

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