System Requirements

This page describes the system requirements of BashSupport Pro.

Operating Systems

macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)

macOS 10.11 or later is supported, on Intel or Apple Silicon platforms. Universal binaries of ShellCheck and shfmt are bundled with BashSupport Pro.

Linux (x64, aarch64, ppc64le)

Linux is fully supported, of course. BashSupport Pro bundles ShellCheck and shfmt binaries for AMD 64 bit (x86_64) and ARM 64 bit (aarch64).

There’s partial support for IBM Power PC (ppc64le): debugging and formatting should be working well, but you’ll have to install your own binary of ShellCheck.

Windows (Intel, ARM64)

A 64-bit version of Windows 7 or later is required.

Windows on ARM64 is supported, too. For ARM64 systems, Windows 11 is recommended for the best experience.

The Bash engines of WSL 2, WSL 1, MSYS Git, and Cygwin are supported. BashSupport Pro is automatically detecting Bash executables at the most common installation locations

JetBrains IDE

BashSupport Pro is an extension of JetBrains IDE. Therefore, you need a JetBrains IDE to use it. There are free and paid editions of JetBrains’ products.

The current version of BashSupport Pro needs a JetBrains IDE version 2022.1 or later.
If you’re using 2021.1 to 2021.3, then you can use BashSupport Pro 3.x. If you’re using 2020.1 to 2020.3, then you can use BashSupport Pro 2.x.

If you’re new to JetBrains products, then you can follow the installation guide of IntelliJ IDEA to learn how to install and configure your IDE.

Free IDEs

Optional Requirements

BashSupport Pro integrates with other plugins to provide a more complete experience.

Most of the following plugins are already bundled with your IDE. Please make sure to install and enable the plugins you need, if that’s not already the case.

  • Grazie for grammar checks of text content.
  • Makefile Language with smarter and more powerful support for Bash snippets of Makefile files.
  • JetBrains Markdown with support for Bash language injection into code blocks.
  • JetBrains Docker with support for Bash language injection into RUN blocks.
  • YAML with language injection into files of Travis CI and Codefresh.
  • Copyright to support copyright headers in Bash files.
  • Terminal to allow executing scripts and run configurations inside a terminal window.
  • IntelliLang for extended support for language injection.
  • Rainbow Brackets for colorful rainbow brackets inside Bash files.
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