bats-core Test Results

You’ll see the test results after you executed one or more bats–core tests. BashSupport Pro helps you to navigate in these results.

Tests are grouped by the files, in which they are defined.

Working With Files

The context menu allows you to navigate to the file, which is selected in the test results. It also allows you to run all tests of only the selected file. This is especially useful when you were running many tests in a directory. Alternatively you can choose to create, but not run, a bats-core configuration for the chosen file.

Navigate to bats-core file from the test runner results
Navigate to bats-core file from the test runner results

Working With Tests

The context menu on a test item allows you to navigate to this particular test. It also allows you to run only the selected test function. This is especially useful when you’re debugging a failing test, for example. Alternatively you can choose to create, but not run, a bats-core configuration for the chosen test function.

Navigate to a specific bats-core test from the test runner results
Navigate to a specific bats-core test from the test runner results

Error messages, which are generated by bats-core, contain filename and line number where the error occurred. BashSupport Pro highlights the filename of these errors. Just click on the link to navigate to the line, where the error occurred.

Navigate to the cause of an error message
Navigate to the cause of an error message
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