Free licenses for BashSupport Pro

This page lists the available types of free licenses for BashSupport Pro.

Free For Educational and Open–Source Use

Please refer to the pricing page to find out if you’re eligible for a free educational or open–source license.

Free For All Contributors To Legacy BashSupport

Have you contributed to the open–source BashSupport plugin?
Then you are eligible for a free, 1-year license.

Before BashSupport Pro there was the open–source BashSupport plugin, which now is in its retirement. Please refer to this post and this follow–up post to learn why this happened.

BashSupport Pro wouldn’t be possible without the experience gained from the open–source BashSupport plugin. Many users contributed by creating bug reports, feature requests or submitting pull requests.

Therefore, I’ll send every contributor, who requests it, a free license for a year.
I’ve counted 238 different contributors in total!

Eligible Contributors

These contributions count:

Is your contribution not included or do you think that you still should get a free license? Please send me a message at, and I’ll see what I can do.

How to Request Your Free License

  1. Enter your GitHub username:
    This updates the two links below.
  2. Check these links. If at least one item older than 2020-02-22 is listed on one these two pages, then you’re eligible for a free license.
  3. If you’re eligible: email me at — please don’t forget to insert your GitHub username.
    If possible, send it from the address which is linked to your GitHub account.
  4. I’ll send you a coupon to get your free license on the JetBrains marketplace. If I can’t verify that you own the given GitHub account, then I’ll send you an invitation to join a private repository.
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